Our Website has not been updated since 2009.
However, our content continues to appear online for the benefit of
Singaporeans and Singapore residents who long for a slice of our past
between 1999 and 2009. Enjoy!
Leave feedback
(all contact addresses listed on this website are obsolete) Our previous
FrontPages are a historical record of our website and reflect the
changing of the times, and also of our website through time. We do not
and will not update the links or the stories on these FrontPages even if they have
become obsolete. As such, should you explore our previous FrontPages and
find that some of the links come to a dead end, please remember that we
have intentionally left them thus. It is tempting to update these links
and stories,
but in so doing, we will have lost a precious part of this website - our
past, preserved and unadulterated. We appreciate your understanding. |