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     There is no limit on the amount of currency you can bring into Singapore.

     If you are 18 years old or above and are arriving from a country other than Malaysia and have spent no less than 48 hours outside Singapore immediately before your arrival, you may use the following duty free concessions for personal consumption:

     Spirits           :           1 litre

     Wine or port :           1 litre

     Beer, Stout or ale :   1 litre

     There are no concessions on cigarettes and other tobacco products. This is in line with the government's campaign to discourage smoking.

     Excess dutiable items may be left in Customs Bond until your departure, provided this is from the same point of entry. Storage costs are chargeable.

    There is a 5%* Goods and Services Tax (GST) levied on all goods imported into Singapore. A bona fide traveller, other than holders of work permit, employment pass, student pass, dependent pass or long term pass, will be given relief on GST on new purchases, gifts, souvenirs and food preparations, excluding liquor and tobacco, up to the value of:

     -S$200 if you have been away from Singapore for less than 48 hours.

     -S$400 if you have been away form Singapore for 48 hours or more.

     In line with most other countries, Singapore prohibits the entry of some items, while others are subject to controls and restrictions.

     Other prohibited items include:

     - Chewing gum

     - Chewing tobacco and imitation tobacco products

     - Cigarette lighters of pistol/revolver shape

     - Controlled drugs and psychotropic substances

     - Endangered species of wildlife and their by-products.

     This list of controlled and restricted items is by no means exhaustive. Please contact the following authorities for further information. These items can be allowed into Singapore by applying for an import permit or authorisation from the relevant authorities.

     ITEM                                             AUTHORITY

     Animals, birds and their          Primary Production Department

     by-products and plants           Tel: 1800 226 2250

     with soil.

     Arms and explosives,             Singapore Police Force

     bullet proof clothing, toy         Tel:(65) 6734 4162

     guns, pistols, revolvers,

     weapons, kris, spears

     and swords.

     Cartridges, cassettes (pre-      Ministry of Information & the Arts

     recorded), newspapers,           Tel: 1800 375 7080

     books and magazines.

     Films, video tapes and            Board of Film Censors


     Medicines, poisons and          Drug Administration Division

     pharmaceuticals.                   Tel:(65) 6325 5639

     Telecommunication and         Telecommunication Authority of

     radio equipment, toy              Singapore

     walkie talkies.                       Tel:(65) 63221948 / 6322 1857

     Toy Singapore coins and        Board of Commissioners of Currency

     currency notes.                     Tel:(65) 6325 9815


*GST Rate - 3% since 1 Apr 1994,

1st Rate Change- 4% from 1 Jan 2003,
2nd Rate Change - 5% from 1 Jan 2004



     Clearance of Travellers through Customs

     - Red and Green Channels for customs clearance (important)

     Taking up residence in Singapore? Read THIS!

     Establishment of Singapore Customs





Cosmetic products to be regulated from 1 Jan 2008

Effective from 1 January 2008, all new products must comply with the ACD requirements and notify HSA prior to sale.
All existing products that are currently sold in the local market will be given 12 months to notify HSA and to fully comply with the requirements by 1 Jan 2011...



Corruption, Drug Trafficking and Other Serious Crimes (Confiscation of Benefits) Act passed

Clause 11 of the Bill makes it mandatory for anyone physically carrying currency and bearer negotiable instruments or CBNI, above S$30,000, into or out of Singapore, to declare this to the authorities at the checkpoints...

The threshold amount of S$30,000 is based on the recommendation by the FATF, and includes not only currency in circulation, but also bearer negotiable instruments such as travellers cheques, money orders, cheques, bonds and promissory notes...
Hence, for clarity, a crossed cheque made payable to a specific person with the word “bearer” deleted is not considered a bearer negotiable instrument because only the person named on the cheque can receive the amount stated on it.
The new measure would be non-discriminatory and will be imposed on all travellers, including citizens, residents and foreigners, entering and exiting the country.
The penalties for non-declaration and false declaration are a maximum fine of S$50,000 or a term of imprisonment of up to 3 years or both...


     - Police arrest Malaysian for smuggling counterfeit S$1 coins


 Singapore to hold large-scale flu pandemic exercise

21-22 Jul 2006

"This large scale exercise will involve over 1,000 personnel from MOH, the Ministry of Education (MOE), home-front and related agencies such as the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS), Immigration and Checkpoint Authority (ICA), Maritime Port Authority (MPA) and the People's Association..."


     - Food items individual travellers may bring into Singapore



Nguyen Tuong Van Case: Separating fact from fiction

"If we let off a convicted courier because of age, financial difficulties or distressed family background, it will only make it easier for drug traffickers to recruit more "mules", with the assurance that they will escape the death penalty..."



Woman fined $3000 for hindering ICA officers in their duties

"Mdm Tan had returned to Singapore from China on 30th September 2005 at about 7.40 pm through the Changi International Airport Terminal 2. ICA officers noticed that she had brought two roast geese from China with her to Singapore.

"Mdm Tan was informed she had to surrender the two roast geese for disposal, as she did not have a licence to bring them in. She hindered the ICA officers in the execution of their duties by refusing to surrender the roast geese brought from China and subsequently throwing the roast geese onto the floor..."


      - Changi Airport's no-frills terminal ready in early 2006

     - Equipment to detect terrorist shipments of nuclear material

     - 11,790 Immigration Offenders Arrested in 2004

     - Foreign Vehicle Entry Permit operating hours shortened from 4 Feb 05


Changes to Vehicle Entry Permit scheme for visitors from 6 Dec 2004

Reduction in VEP fees from S$30 to S$20 a day for foreign motorists driving foreign-registered cars into Singapore.
Reduction in the VEP operating hours on weekdays for the 6 December to 31 December 2004 period. The VEP will end at 12.00 noon instead of 7.00 pm.
Reduction in the fixed priced ERP charges from S$10 to S$5 a day, for visiting motorists who choose to use ERP-priced roads during ERP operating hours but do not have In-Vehicle Units (IUs) in their cars.
The normal toll charges for foreign-registered cars will still apply.

     - Changi Airport tests automated check-in & immigration system

     - Enhanced safety requirements for motorised bicycles & riders

     - Resumption of poultry & egg imports from Malacca & Johor

     - Update on Poultry & Egg Supply Situation in Singapore


Suspension of poultry imports from Malaysia

AVA has concurrently imposed a suspension on imports of poultry and poultry products from Malaysia with immediate effect (18 Aug 2004).

AVA would like to assure the public that poultry and poultry products in Singapore are safe for consumption.


     - Taxing cigarettes by stick from 1 July 2003





  Applicants for an ordinary liquor licence can now go online, submit and post it on the Customs and Excise Department's website. The department's website, customs, also accepts e-mail objections from parties opposed to the application. The new system came into effect on Monday 2 Oct 2000.



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