Immigration Singapore
Websites Maids
Employment Pass
Permanent Residence
Student Pass
Employment Short-Term
Employment Recruitment Vehicle
Entry Permit
The Singapore
Immigration and Registration (SIR) has issued a statement saying
that visitors who hold passports from Iran, Sudan, Saudi Arabia,
Egypt and Pakistan will need visas to enter Singapore. They can
apply for one from any of the Singapore missions abroad. The
requirement takes effect from 12 Oct 2001. With the five
additions, the number of countries whose citizens need a visa to
enter Singapore is 33. (H7) |
Employment Pass: Tel: (65) 6391 6100
Work Permit: Tel: (65) 6538 3033
Student Pass: (65) 6391 6100
Social Visit Pass: (65) 6391 6100
Vehicle Entry Permit: (65) 6269 0279
Conversion of foreign driving licence
Registry of Vehicles: (65) 6459 4222
Registry of Companies & Businesses: company Tel:(65) 6325 3733
business Tel:(65) 6325 3729
Under Singapore Immigration Regulations, any foreigner who is not a
Singapore permanent resident and wishes to engage in any business,
profession, occupation or any paid employment in Singapore with a monthly
income of more than S$2000 is required to apply for an employment pass.
All applications for employment passes should be sent to:
Employment Pass Department
Ministry of Manpower
10 Kallang Road Singapore 208718
Work permit allocations
for the construction industry will be cut further on 1 Apr 2000 to
reduce its reliance on unskilled and semi-skilled foreign workers.
applicants for work permit or for renewal of work permits are required to
undergo a medical examination, which includes a general physical medical
examination, a chest x-ray and a test for the AIDS-causing Human
Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).
With effect
from 1 March 2000, the medical examination requirement will be extended to
foreigners who applied and obtained in-principle approval for employment
passes of six months’ duration or more, long-term immigration passes1
and Permanent Residence (PR).
Those who are
found to have active Tuberculosis or HIV infection will not be granted
employment passes, long-term immigration passes or PR. This health
requirement will further strengthen the control of communicable diseases
like HIV infection and Tuberculosis in Singapore.
All applicants
who have been granted in-principle approval will be informed and given a
copy of the medical examination form. They are required to bring along the
medical examination forms when they visit a registered general
practitioner in Singapore for the medical examination.
upon receipt of the medical report from the general practitioner, the
applicant should submit in person to Employment Pass Department (EPD) or
Singapore Immigration & Registration (SIR) the original medical report
together with the in-principle approval letter. Issuance of the employment
pass, immigration passes or PR will be subject to the outcome of the
medical report.
For enquiries
on the procedures for applying for employment passes, or PR and long term
immigration passes, please contact EPD at tel no: 2975443, or SIR at tel
no: 3916100, respectively.
For enquiries
related to health matters, please contact the Ministry of Health at Tel
no: 2254122.
1 Long-term
immigration passes refer to the Professional Visit Pass, Dependant’s
Pass, Student’s Pass and Long-Term Social Visit Pass of six months’
duration or more.
Singapore Labour Market 3rd quarter 2007 |
Total employment expanded by 58,600 in Q3
07, up substantially from the increase of 43,000 in Q3 06, making it the
second highest quarterly increase after the 64,400 recorded in Q2 07... |
1,827 workers were retrenched in Q3 07, an
improvement from 2,472 in Q3 06 and 1,918 in Q2 07[2]. This brings the
total number retrenched in the first nine months of 2007 to 5,709, much
lower than 9,388 in the same period last year... |
More..... |
New foreign workforce measures to meet strong market
demand |
With effect from 1 January 2008, the S Pass
quota for all sectors will be increased from 15% to 25%. The new S Pass
quota will come entirely from companies' Work Permit quota which will be
increased for all sectors. Companies can therefore employ more S Pass
holders, in lieu of Work Permit holders, hence improving the quality of
their foreign workforce... |
To strengthen our
global talent attraction and retention efforts, refinements will be made
to the PEP scheme. Foreign professionals whose last drawn fixed monthly
salary overseas was at least S$7,000 will be eligible for a PEP. The PEP
will also be granted to former P1 Employment Pass holders upon
application. |
These changes
will take effect from 1 March 2008. Existing and new P1 pass holders
working in Singapore that apply for the PEP ahead of the 2-year
requirement will be accorded in-principle approval. They can apply to
take up the PEP at the end of 2 years on their current P1 pass... |
More..... |
Secondhand Goods Dealers Act effective from 1 Dec 2007 |
Under the new Act, only dealers who deal in
secondhand goods that are listed in the Schedule will be regulated. This
will be regardless of whether such dealings take place at a shopfront,
via a makeshift stall or over the Internet. |
The list of items was drawn up based on
crime data of commonly stolen items. While the existing Act has a wider
list of items, the new regulatory regime has a reduced list which
comprises commonly stolen items. This allows a sharper regulatory focus
in preventing fencing1. |
Dealers who deal in items which are not in
the new list will not be regulated. The list of items may also be
revised according to crime trends... |
More..... |
Medical devices in Singapore to be regulated |
HSA is adopting a phased approach in
implementing the new regulations to minimise the impact to the
supply of medical devices and to provide sufficient time for the
industry to meet the new standards and requirements. The control
measures will be implemented in three phases, starting from 1
November 2007:.. |
More..... |
Corruption, Drug Trafficking and Other Serious Crimes
(Confiscation of Benefits) Act passed |
Clause 11
of the Bill makes it mandatory for anyone physically
carrying currency and bearer negotiable instruments or
CBNI, above S$30,000, into or out of Singapore, to
declare this to the authorities at the checkpoints... |
The threshold amount of
S$30,000 is based on the recommendation by the FATF,
and includes not only currency in circulation, but
also bearer negotiable instruments such as travellers
cheques, money orders, cheques, bonds and promissory
notes... |
Hence, for clarity, a crossed cheque
made payable to a specific person with the word “bearer” deleted
is not considered a bearer negotiable instrument because only the
person named on the cheque can receive the amount stated on it. |
The new measure would be
non-discriminatory and will be imposed on all travellers,
including citizens, residents and foreigners, entering and exiting
the country. |
The penalties for non-declaration and false
declaration are a maximum fine of S$50,000 or a term of imprisonment of
up to 3 years or both... |
More..... |
Employer-financed insurance for medical expenses of
foreign workers |
The Ministry of Manpower will require
employers to purchase and maintain insurance for the medical expenses of
foreign workers from 1 January 2008. |
This requirement is being implemented in
tandem with the withdrawal of healthcare subsidies for foreigners1,
which was previously announced by the Ministry of Health. The
requirement will apply to: |
- All new and existing foreign workers
on Work Permit or S Pass from 1 January 2008.
- All new foreign domestic workers, and
existing foreign domestic workers when employers renew their Work
Permits, from 1 January 2008.
More..... |
The Private Security Industry Bill 2007 passed |
"Should a private investigator or security
officer be charged with or convicted of a prescribed offence which makes
his continued employment as a private investigator or security officer
undesirable, his licence can be suspended with immediate effect. This
power is provided in Clause 24(5) of the Bill. |
"With the introduction of the licensing
schemes for security officers and private investigators, more than 500
private investigators and 30,000 security officers will need to apply
for a licence..." |
More..... |
New dog licensing rules from 1 Sep 2007 |
"All licensed dogs must be
microchipped with an ISO compliant microchip. |
"Dogs that were licensed before 1 Sep
07 will be exempted from the requirement. However, owners of such
dogs are strongly encouraged to have their dogs microchipped for
better traceability... |
"Under the new Rules1, the
annual licence fee for all unsterilised dogs (both male and
female) is $70 while the licence fee for sterilised dogs is
$14..." |
More..... |
Employment situation in 2nd Quarter 2007 |
"Preliminary estimates show that total employment grew
by a record quarterly high of 61,900 in the second
quarter of 2007, as the economy continued its strong
growth... |
"Employment grew in all
the major sectors, led by services which added 33,600
workers. Manufacturing posted gains of 16,600, higher
than earlier quarters..." |
More.... |
Licence needed for 15 chemicals (explosive precursors) in
Suspension of poultry and egg imports from Selangor, Malaysia |
"The Malaysian Department of Veterinary
Services (DVS) informed the Agri- Food & Veterinary Authority (AVA) this
morning (6 Jun 2007) that it had detected an outbreak of H5N1 bird flu
in chickens in a village household in Sungei Buluh, Selangor. |
"About 60 chickens had died as a result of
the outbreak. Although the poultry and layer farms in Selangor that have
been approved to export to Singapore are bio-secured, AVA is suspending
poultry and egg imports from Selangor as a precautionary measure with
immediate effect..." |
More..... |
Pilot project allowing cycling on all footways in Tampines |
"Land Transport Authority (LTA), Traffic
Police (TP) and the Tampines Grassroots Organisations (GROs) will be
conducting a study in the Tampines Town to assess the feasibility of
allowing cycling on footways with effect from 27 May 2007. |
"The study will last for one year and end on
30 May 2008... |
"Currently, under Rule 28 of the Road Traffic
Rules, enacted in 1981, cycling on footways is prohibited. Like any
other vehicles, bicycles are to be ridden on the roads and cyclists are
required to abide by all relevant traffic rules and regulations..." |
More..... |
Public forum on democracy organised by the Singapore Democratic Party
Man to be charged for importing pellet guns |
"When asked, the man did not declare any
items. Subsequent screening revealed images that appeared to be guns
within his baggage. A physical check of his check-in carton revealed 20
sets of pellet guns and 5 bottles of pellets. He was subsequently
detained for investigation. |
"Police investigated a total of 38 cases
involving airsoft guns in 2006. Since the beginning of this year (2007),
Police have investigated 21 such cases. Most of these airsoft guns were
detected at the airport and other checkpoints, as well as the Singapore
Post Centre..." |
More..... |
Check your eligibility for Singapore PR or citizenship
online |
"The Naturalisation Eligibility Tool
is a free online self-assessment system, to assist foreigners
working and staying in Singapore to assess if they are eligible
for either Singapore Permanent Residence (SPR) or Singapore
Citizenship (SC)... |
"Overseas foreigners are also able to
use the system although theirs will only be a hypothetical
assessment. These overseas foreigners are given the option to
provide their contact particulars to enable ICA to contact them if
necessary..." |
More..... |
About 200,000 new Singapore PRs in the next 5 years |
2001-2004, an average of 35,250 new permanent residents
(PR) and 7,130 new Singapore citizens (SC) were granted
per annum. In 2005, about 52,300 new PRs and 12,900 new
SCs were granted. |
average numbers of new PRs and SCs are 38,700 and 8,300
respectively, for the period 2001-2005. |
"We could
expect to add about 200,000 new PRs and 40,000 new SCs
in the next 5 years if we get the same numbers of new
PRs and SCs as in the last 5 years..." |
More..... |
Secondhand Goods Dealers Bill 2007 passed |
current Act does not cover dealers operating without a
shop. We recognise that many secondhand goods dealers
today actually carry on their business via other means,
such as on the Internet, or in an open-air setting like
Sungei Road. This is unacceptable, as thieves and
robbers will simply get rid of their loot through these
other dealers who do not have a shop-front... |
"MHA is
hence widening the coverage of the law to include those
dealers who do not operate within a shop. However, in
keeping with the emphasis on a sharper regulatory focus,
only dealers who trade in secondhand goods that are
listed in the Schedule will come under the ambit of the
Act..." |
More..... |
of Visa Requirements |
With effect
from 1 January 2007, citizens of the Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia holding Diplomatic passports will not need a visa
to visit Singapore. |
All other types of passport holder are still required to
obtain the appropriate visas for entry into Singapore. |
The changes
to the visa requirements are part of the Immigration &
Checkpoints Authority's on-going review to facilitate
the entry and stay of bona fide visitors. |
& Checkpoints Authority 29 December 2006 |
Source: News
Release 29 Dec 2006 |
MDA launches new licence framework for IPTV
Higher school fees for PRs and foreign students |
"From January 2007, PR in Government
and Government-aided schools, junior colleges (JCs) and the
centralised institute (CI) will pay about 20% more for school
fees. They currently pay the same fees as citizens at the
secondary and pre-university levels. |
"FS, whose fees are already higher than
those for citizens and PR, will have their fees increased by about
30%. The new fees for FS will take effect two years from now (2009
), to give time for them to decide if they wish to apply to become
permanent residents..." |
More.... |
Revision of hospital subsidy for foreigners |
"From October 2007, PRs will
continue to be subsidised for hospital services, but at 5
percentage-points less than Singapore citizens. |
"From October 2008, another 5
percentage-point reduction will be applied. This way, Singapore
citizens will enjoy greater subsidy than PRs, by a total of 10
percentage- points. |
"As for the other foreigners, there
will be no more healthcare subsidy from October 2007.
..." |
More..... |
AVA to implement grading scheme for pet shops
New personalised employment pass not tied to any
employer |
The Ministry of Manpower will introduce a
Personalised Employment Pass (PEP) from 1 January 2007 to help us better
attract and retain global talent... |
The PEP allows the holder to remain in
Singapore for up to six months in between jobs to evaluate new
employment opportunities. This helps us to retain selected global talent
who would otherwise have to leave Singapore... |
The PEP will be issued only once with a
validity of 5 years. It will be nonrenewable. A PEP holder will retain
the dependant privileges of his original EP type and the minimum annual
basic salary requirement of S$30,000 will continue to apply throughout
the 5-year duration... |
More..... |
Subutex a Class A Controlled Drug from 14 Aug 2006 |
"From 14
August 2006, doctors will not be permitted to prescribe
and dispense any take-home dosages for existing
patients. |
patients who require Subutex will have to consume their
medication under direct visual observation of the pharmacist, doctor
and/or his treatment team on a daily basis1 ..." |
More..... |
No outdoor demonstrations and processions during IMF/WB meetings
Number of recognised foreign medical schools increased to 120
Exit permit rules relaxed for National Servicemen from 1
Aug 2006 |
"Full-time National Servicemen (NSFs) will
henceforth be exempted from applying for exit permits for short overseas
trips of less than 3 months... |
"NSmen who have completed their
Operationally-Ready National Service Training Cycle and have been
phased into the MINDEF Reserve (MR) will no longer be required to
notify the MNC of their overseas trips of more than 24 hours and
less than 6 months..." |
More..... |
Foreign domestic maids get one-day off in new standard
contract |
"This contract is designed to help
smoothen employer/employee relationships from the onset, by
minimising any ambiguities on the employment terms. |
"For example, the contract will
include the stipulation of the minimum of one day-off
entitlement for the Foreign Domestic Workers (FDWs).
However, if the day-off is not taken, the employer will have to
compensate the FDW in cash..." |
More..... |
Expat survey shows Singapore best place in the world for Asians to live
Amended Enlistment Act requires males 13 years & older
to get exit permits |
MINDEF will require
pre-enlistees aged 13 to 16½ to apply for Exit Permits if they
intend to be away from Singapore for 3 months or more... |
Those who require Exit Permits of 2
years or more will be required to furnish a bond... |
The penalty regime for Exit Permit
offences for those aged 13 to 16½ will be only a fine of
up to $2,000, with no custodial sentences...
We will thus be introducing a new
offence in the Enlistment Act under which parents and guardians can
be made liable for the Exit Permit offences of their children or
wards of ages 13 to 16½ so that the penalty can be imposed on their
parents or guardians when the circumstances warrant it. The penalty
regime for the offence will also be a fine of up to $2,000. |
More..... |
ICA raid in 2 HDB blocks nets 33 immigration offenders
Workplace Safety and Health Act replaces Factories Act
Food items individual travellers may bring into Singapore
Singapore and US begin testing of e-Passports
52 illegal foreign workers nabbed in raids at 13 coffee shops
Update, renew & terminate 45 different licences online
Study Mum Situation in Singapore |
"As at end
Jul 05, there were about 6,800 study mothers in
Singapore of whom some two-thirds were from the PRC... |
"As at end
Jun 05, less than 1,000 study mothers were holding Work
Permits..." |
More..... |
58 foreign workers arrested for having no work permits
New 10 VEP-free days scheme & shorter VEP operating hours -
Ministry of Manpower fine tunes foreign worker policy
Singapore Labour Market 2004 Report
Government launches Unclaimed Monies Web site
- One-stop
business licensing service launched
Protection Scheme for international students
- Extension
of detention orders for 17 JI and MILF members
- Minimum
age for maids to go up to 23 in 2005
- Automatic registration of societies from 1 Sep 2004
- Procedures
simplified for work permit transactions from May 2004