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Letters to the Editor          Comments about this Web site
 was born on 28 Nov 1999 at 11.45 pm to POOR parents. He grew up without the help of a nanny (venture capitalist) but nevertheless had to this day put on 15796 pages in weight. And he is still growing. 

His parents started up with ZERO capital and PLENTY of hard work and sacrifice, often staying up late into the night and the wee hours of the morning to make sure this BABY was fed regularly. His father gave him the closest of attention and attended to his every hiccup. 

As he was growing at a fast pace, he couldn't fit into his old clothes, so his parents had to change his LOOKS quite often. They eventually found he likes RED and, like any parent, have dressed him in his favourite colour red with a touch of white.

His parents hope to support him through school and, perhaps, university, using their earnings from advertisements placed on him and also from support services provided on this Web site, eg. Web hosting. They also hope he will somehow turn out to be a child prodigy and excel in everything he does. They welcome any responsible group which wishes to share in the pain, excitement and perhaps joy of seeing this child to adulthood to join them.

Get For Me Singapore is what continues to do for its readers. hopes that when its visitors think of Singapore, comes to mind. If and when that happens, will have accomplished its mission.

In the meantime, tries to source whatever information it thinks the reader looks for on Singapore and continually posts such information onto its Web site. So, as time goes by, both and its readers will be richer in their knowledge on all things Singapore.

".....We can't be like And we won't, for the simple fact, we are Singaporeans and proud of being what we are - reserved and fiercely loyal to the ideals that have made Singapore a success that is the envy of many in the region, and around the world.

"And that is the way in which will move ahead through the years. We will defend our Singaporean ideals as we present our content to Singaporeans and the world. So, when you are looking through our Web site, you are actually looking at what Singapore is all about....."


Milestones - Archive

Getforme turns 5 in November 2004

Award Received

Hitwise: "During this period, ranked No. 4 by visits in the Travel - Destinations and Accommodation category against other Singaporean websites"


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